G-20 and Beyond Theory, Concept, and Policy
ISBN/EAN: 9783659975004
Umbreit-Nr.: 714299
Umfang: 264 S.
Format in cm: 1.6 x 22 x 15
kartoniertes Buch
Erschienen am 03.12.2016
Auflage: 1/2016
- Zusatztext
- When individuals and societies which try to elude themselves thinking locally get stuck in the middle of global problems, they decide to act together as a way out. The study focuses that G-20 points out all the surrounding fields related to people, life, economy, politics, environment, and geopolitics. G-20, which is on the top of international governmental organizations list, was established to get down to global steps against global economic and politic problems as seen the recent developments encountered widespread in this century. Apparently, it continues to be located at the center of economic, political, social and geopolitical developments that take place hereupon when the comprehensiveness of the matter in hand considered. However, questioning G-20 will not be remitted because of the reality that the decisions made by G-20 are advisory. Today while G20 becomes a candidate to build international peace, development, and growth, it reflects the hope of future and carry the disappointments of past. This book, written up by the Turkish intellectuals and scholars, makes efforts to introduce how G20 mirrors global problems and their ways of solutions.
- Autorenportrait
- AUTHORS: Bülent Darici, Erdal Bilgiç, Fatih Kahraman, Fikret Çelik, Gülten Dursun, Iclal Çögürcü, Mehmet Ali Canbolat, Mustafa Çolak, Murat Bay, Onur Ceylan, Sabri Aydin, Sefa Usta, Sevda Köse, Sinem Yapar Saçik, Ufuk Serdar Akalin, Yigit Anil Güzelipek, Yusuf Sayin